Fast forward digitalization with telematic solutions

DKV Mobility is providing innovative mobility services to a wide number of transport companies: large fleets, small fleets, start-ups or companies with a strong history- customers are as diverse as the product DKV Mobility is offering. One of them is Cartrans Preda Romania. The company is a leading player in the transportation market, with over 28 years of experience and a large fleet of 190 trucks and 65 trailers. Its strategy is aiming to build long-term relations with clients, by delivering on-time, tailor-made and high-quality services.
Cartrans operates more than 200 orders a day - a volume that requires innovative ways to optimize the activity and to deliver best in class services to clients.
To strengthen efficiency and time management, the company was looking for smart solutions. The digital assistant DKV LIVE was their perfect match and it was installed on the entire company fleet. The telematic solutions offer fleet managers detailed maps, live information about the transport and the possibility of having the tachometer data of all trucks available with only one click - for own and also subcontracted trucks. With DKV LIVE in use, Cartrans’ clients also benefit from the advantages of the solution, as the company can share information with their clients. In some cases, it is sharing tracking information about the trucks already on the road, or they can give a transparent view of the services provided.
Boosting efficiency
"We were looking for ways to boost our efficiency and further digitalize our activity - and DKV LIVE was our choice. This was a decision based on both the clear advantages of this telematic solution and the long cooperation we have with DKV Mobility in Romania, which also helped with the swift integration of the new technology. We truly feel that our teams’ dedication and professionalism, combined with the latest generation mobility solutions like DKV LIVE, can help our activity grow and assist us in serving our clients better and faster in this everchanging environment", said Armand Aninoiu, Executive Manager Cartrans Romania.
One digital assistant, many advantages
Furthermore, features like data analysis, time saving, and fast decision making are advantages offered by the strong partnership with DKV Mobility and help Cartrans to remain at the top of the best transport companies. In a high-demanding market, like road transportation, it is essential to gain competitive advantages. By using a digital assistant, Cartrans stepped up and transformed its business with a powerful yet accessible tool. In a high-demanding market, like road transportation, it is essential to gain competitive advantages.