Climate contribution with the

Person with dkv card in hand


The green card.
Fuel and support climate protection projects


Business partners are increasingly demanding proof of how a company handles its CO₂ emissions. DKV Mobility customers can now take responsibility for their tank-to-wheel carbon emissions by making a climate protection contribution by fuelling with the DKV Card CLIMATE.

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Overview of features

  • Fuel and support climate protection projects
  • Proof of support for climate protection projects
  • Many other mobility services included
  • The largest acceptance network in Europe

A small contribution makes a big difference

To make this commitment visible to the outside world, DKV Mobility and myclimate Germany offer a certificate. This certifies that voluntary support has been given to carbon offset projects based on the carbon emissions of the fuel consumption (tank-to-wheel).

How the support of climate protection projects works

We forward your climate protection contribution 1:1 on your behalf to myclimate Germany. The amount of the climate protection contribution is as follows:

Diesel up to 2.5 ct/l, petrol up to 2.2 ct/l, LPG 1.5 ct/l, CNG 2.4 ct/kg, LNG 2.5 ct/kg, AdBlue 0,3 ct/l depending on fuel type.

You also have e-vehicles in your fleet? No problem!

The DKV Card Climate +charge also gives you the option of drawing electricity at around 893,000 charging points.

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