Lifting the treasure chest of Data

Today, tech-driven companies like DKV Mobility have very large amounts of data at their disposal. Making this useful for DKV Mobility and more importantly for the company's customers is the key task of Dr. Sönke Iwersen and his team. "We have a treasure chest of data in our technological environment that we are now systematically lifting for roughly 3 years," says the Director of the Data Intelligence & Analytics at DKV Mobility, "our mission is to create business value from data - that's very exciting."
The company has already successfully launched numerous digital tools in recent years, most notably the award-winning digital flagship DKV Analytics. With the combination of multiple data sources, DKV Mobility is able to build completely new customer products and use the available new data quality to bring more and more benefits to their customers. "In development and implementation, we are always guided by our claim: you drive, we care," emphasizes Dr Sönke Iwersen. Every tool should be as useful and as easy to use as possible. This is important for all customer segments and all users consuming our digital products in their daily business life.”
Therefore, artificial intelligence and machine learning are currently the two strong drivers in the area of Data & Analytics development and are offering brand-new possibilities with generative AI for speech & AI-based image recognition. "ChatGPT clearly demonstrated this to everyone," Dr Sönke Iwersen is convinced. The next thing to do is to find the best use cases to be beneficial for the customers as the development in this area is happening at breakneck speed, he adds. "We try out many things, some we discard. What is good, we let grow."
In this approach, being cloud-native is today just a prerequisite. It´s not only about technology, the focus lays on utilizing business data in the best way possible. Because as architecture is not forever anymore and Terbytes of data do not matter anymore.
The attractiveness of a company's own products stands and falls with the quality and the availability of the underlying data. "The better we are, the more our customers can trust us and subsequently concentrate on their own core business. That is the key to success," Dr Sönke Iwersen is convinced.
Dr Sönke Iwersen, Director of Data Intelligence & Analytics at DKV Mobility
Great progress already has been made, for example, in the area of refueling and charging. The information that DKV Mobility draws from its own and external data, and that is played out to its customers via the company own DKV Mobility app, the station finder DKV Maps or the company’s customer portal is getting not only better but also much faster. "We're already quite real-time with that, e.g. on charge point information in the EV area", Dr Sönke Iwersen emphasizes. And that is just one example, there´s more to expect here.
Since last year DKV Mobility's digital portfolio has also included cloud-based, data-intensive software with the launch of DKV Analytics. It already offers a comprehensive overview of refueling and charging processes, toll settlement, utilization of vehicle services, detailed customer invoice data, among other features.
So, the momentum of digitalization is still accelerating – based on available and reliable data assets. Dr. Sönke Iwersen is convinced: “The vision here is to deliver completely connected digital products for DKV Mobility customers to integrate it into the business of our customers.”
One idea is that DKV Mobility customers must be enabled to put together individual modules in a shop-and-go principle entirely according to their needs. For both sides a win-win situation. "This is not only perfect for the customer. Better and better products based on better and better data will also make a tangible contribution to stabilize fragile supply chains," says Dr. Sönke Iwersen, looking forward to the future. “Our contribution here is the execution of DKV Mobility’s Data Strategy by delivering individual business use cases with high data quality and high business value.”