Mobility transition: DKV Mobility cooperates with eQuota


Those who switch to more climate-friendly forms of driving in Germany are entitled to "greenhouse gas" (GHG) quota revenues; current entitlement is up to 300 Euros per year per electric passenger car, up to 10,000 Euros per year per electric commercial vehicle and up to 12,000 Euros per year per gas commercial vehicle. Operators of public and semi-public charging points are to be paid as much as 40 cents per kilowatt hour in future. In order to make these GHG revenues available to its customers and partners, DKV Mobility is now cooperating with the GHG quota specialist, eQuota, from Berlin.

"The GHG quota is another powerful tool for promoting climate-friendly mobility and will become even more important in the coming years in view of the German government's ambitious climate targets. It is another attractive incentive for fleet operators to switch to alternative drives now," says Marc Erkens, Head of Sustainability, New Mobility & Public Affairs at DKV Mobility. "We are pleased to have gained a highly professional partner in eQuota to make the additional revenue for CO2 savings easily accessible to our customers." Johan Grope, Co-Founder and Head of Sales at eQuota adds, "From data collection and the necessary interaction with authorities for quota registration to the bundling and marketing of quotas, we map all processes completely digitally. This means that DKV Mobility customers now have an overview of the current status of the settlement process and the expected revenues at all times."

In May this year, the German parliament passed a new law to further develop the greenhouse gas reduction quota. This is set against GHG quota revenues and makes clear to petroleum companies supplying CO2-emitting fuels in the market the percentage of CO2 emissions they must reduce. The law stipulates that the GHG quota in the transport sector must increase from the current 6% to 25% in 2030.

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