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Toll information for Bulgaria
Bulgaria has a satellite-based toll system (no barriers) for all its motorways and national roads. All vehicles are subject to tolls.
DKV Mobility offers two toll solutions for Bulgaria.
Choose a national OBU if you travel to Bulgaria mainly or a DKV BOX Europe if you travel Europewide.
Toll Provider: BG Toll
For national OBU order please contact your Sales partner
General information
Guideline for trucks

Vehicles with a permissible total weight of 3.5 t or more
You can automatically settle the toll either using the DKV BOX EUROPE or the Bulgarian on-board unit (OBU).
The toll is calculated based on
- Number of kilometres driven
- Emission class
- Number of axles
- Vehicle weight (>3.5 t to12 t and >12 t)
- Truck or coach
- Class of road

Tunnels & Bridges
Our customers can settle tolls for the following bridges simply and straightforwardly with the DKV CARD:
- Danube Bridge 1/ Friendship Bridge between Ruse and Giurgiu (Bulgaria – Romania)
- Danube Bridge 2 between Vidin and Calafat Giurgiu (Bulgaria – Romania)

Toll charges may be settled in a postpaid mode:
- Bulgarian national OBU
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