CNP Ticket

Record of non-payment of the toll in France (CNP - Constatation de non paiement)

Since March 2023, your DKV CARD has no longer been accepted with the French toll operators. However, we are still able to help you!

Here is how you can quickly and easily pay for your open CNP tickets.

Settle your CNP ticket in two steps

1. Check the issuer of the CNP ticket

Please check to see which motorway operator issued you with the CNP ticket.

2. Pay the CNP ticket

Click on the motorway operator that made out your CNP ticket and complete the payment process:


Pay within: 8 days

Pay using: Credit card online

Toll service provider

Payment instructions

VINCI Autoroutes – Cofiroute / Arcour / ASF / Escota / ARCOS:

Pay within: 15 days

Pay using: Credit card online

Toll service provider

Payment instructions


Pay within: 10 days

Pay using: Bank transfer

Payment instructions

In the case of online payment by credit card, you receive a digital receipt directly on the operator’s website. In the case of bank transfer, you may need to contact the motorway operator (see instructions).

Our product tip

We would urgently recommend that you switch to a DKV toll box. In this way, we can ensure everything runs smoothly for you, and you can continue to settle the toll in France completely automatically.

Switch to one of our toll boxes today

FAQ - Any questions?

We have the answers for you

We inform our customers weekly by e-mail about open CNP tickets. This e-mail is sent only if there are still open items.

The selection of means of payment (credit card or bank transfer) depends on the service provider. We have set out precise details of each payment option for you in our payment instructions.

The payment deadline depends on the motorway operator. Each CNP ticket gives you this information.

  • Do not settle the CNP ticket!
  • Let us know the registration plate details of the motor vehicle(s) in question and the CNP numbers by e-mail at
  • Legal action will be taken against the vehicle owner(s).

In addition to the amount of the CNP ticket, a fine of at least EUR 20 per CNP ticket is charged and legal action taken against the owner of the vehicle in question.