Our culture makes us strong

Our culture stands for respect, acceptance and inclusion – regardless of all other factors. This is why we joined the UN Global Compact (UNGC) in 2020.
Our culture stands for respect, acceptance and inclusion – regardless of all other factors. We rely on and respect our employees. Every day, our employees act responsibly, and this is why we do the same. This is the only way we can be successful as a company.
This is one of the reasons why we joined the UN Global Compact (UNGC) in 2020. In doing so, we committed ourselves to integrating the 10 universal principles in the fields of human rights, labor standards and the environment into our corporate strategy, as well as to preventing corruption and implementing them transparently in our day-to-day work.
These are the 10 principles of the UN Global Compact:
Source: https://www.globalcompact.de/ueber-uns/united-nations-global-compact
Sustainable procurement
We make numerous procurement decisions almost every day. Responsible procurement and transparency in our supply chains are therefore essential prerequisites. Since we are not only striving to become climate-neutral ourselves by 2023, but also to support our customers on their way to a sustainable future, it goes without saying that we want to meet the expectations of a sustainable supply-chain partner.
Particularly in the fields of decarbonization, labor conditions, human rights and corruption prevention, our customers can rely on us being responsible and supporting them in meeting their commitments to achieve sustainable supply chains.