Maëlis Bailly, Business Developer – “People are at the center of the business”

Maëlis Bailly, Business Developer

Why do you choose DKV Mobility every day?

I choose DKV Mobility every day because I have been witnessing for three years that it is a company where people are put at the center of the business. I love my job, the universe in which we work. We are always learning new things, and we help each other to evolve.

What was your most satisfying moment at DKV Mobility?

My most satisfying moment at DKV Mobility was my professional as well as personal recognition when I became Team Leader. Thanks to this, I am enjoying a wonderful development of myself and my career.

How would you define DKV Mobility in three words?

  • Ambition: My work is recognized and we can evolve thanks to it.
  • Human relations: No hierarchy, proximity to the manager, a CEO who listens to his employees
  • Versatility: Many different jobs, different interlocutors who represent our service assortment and our work.